
How the Hell Do You Wear a Butt Plug?

When it comes to butt plug, its definition can be summed up very simply: “insert it in the tail” to help you achieve sexual satisfaction. Butt plug is a sex toy that people use to provide new sensations and arouse while touching. They are often accompanied by some funny performances, which can sometimes lead to amazing highs.

So how to wear butt plugs correctly?

Step 1: Relax

You need to relax your body before using a butt plug. Ideally, you should start with light muscle relaxation. When preparing to use butt plugs, remember to adopt a relaxed position, preferably lying down, and use stroking hands to touch your penis and buttocks to relax yourself.

Step Two: Prepare to Use Butt Plugs

When installing the butt plug, you need to prepare some necessary props. Most importantly, you need to prepare a butt plug. Here are a few options: You can go for regular crystal or liquid-filled butt plugs, or you can go for oversized butt plugs, depending on how safe you feel.

In addition to butt plugging, you’ll need some lube and cleanser. The lubricant can effectively reduce the friction of the buttocks, and the cleaning agent can help you keep the butt plugs clean and germ-free.

The third step: on the buttocks

Once you’ve got what you need, you can start getting your ass plugged in a certain way. First, wipe an appropriate amount of lubricant on the surface of the butt plug and body, then slowly insert it into the tail. Have a large towel ready so that if any accidental liquids happen, you won’t stain your bed or floor.

You might feel a little discomfort when it’s first inserted, but you’ll be pleasant and comfortable as long as you take your time to adjust. Once you start using the butt plugs, you can do other things like stroking your vulva and sacrum, or even ask your partner to do it for you, giving you double stimulation during sex.

Final Step: Safe, Non-Toxic and Correct Removal of Butt Plugs

Once the stroking is done, you need to remove the butt plug safely. To do this, you’ll need to use some cleaner first, then slowly remove the butt plug while wiping the cleaner over its surface to keep it safe and clean. At the same time, you can also use a large towel and wrap it up. You may feel a little discomfort when pulling the butt plug out of the tail, but you should ignore this feeling, make sure it is fully removed, and store it in a safe place.


A butt plug is an exciting sexual tool that helps arouse both men and women. To put on and remove a butt plug properly, you need to take your time getting ready and staying safe. Note that it is best to take a relaxed posture when wearing it, such as lying down, and then slowly insert the tail to ensure a pleasant, safe and non-toxic use experience. When it is fully removed, you should also put it in a safe place for the next use.

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